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About us

General information

St. Kizito Hospital Matany is a Private Not-For-Profit (PNFP) Institution with social and spiritual objectives, belonging to the Catholic Diocese of Moroto (North-Eastern Uganda).


Matany Hospital was built at the beginning of the 70s with the help of MISEREOR (a German Church Organisation) at the request of the Comboni missionaries and has since then provided an essential comprehensive package of medical/health services to the population of the Karamoja region

Description of the Hospital

and its environment

St. Kizito Hospital Matany is located within Napak District in North-Eastern Uganda, bordering Moroto District the East side, Katakwi and Amuria, districts to the West, Nakapiripirit to the South; Kotido and Abim Districts to the North.

Due to the periodic drought the entire Karamoja Region is always at risk of famine. The major challenges for health care delivery are: very poor health seeking behaviour, the poor road network, hard to reach settlements and the irregular telephone network coverage.

Functionally the Hospital is a de facto regional referral health facility for the entire Karamoja Region including the neighbouring Districts of Teso (Amuria, Katakwi, Soroti), and deals with an average annual admission of 13,683 inpatients and 34,652 outpatient consultations plus numerous patients seen in specialised clinics.

The Hospital entirely depends on the inhabitants of this Trading Centre for its support staff and most of its skilled labourers, thus not only providing employment opportunity to the community but also creates a symbiotic co-existence between the Hospital and its neighbourhood as well as a sense of ownership of the Hospital facility and its services by the community.

The Hospital holds a significant public health influence in the catchment’s population and is linked to seventeen peripheral Health Units in Bokora Health Sub-District; serves as an administrative headquarters where planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all PHC activities are done. The socio-economic impact of the Hospital to the immediate surrounding community is quite evident by a fast growing and busy Matany Town Board.

The functionality of Matany Hospital is in accordance with the National Hospital policy of the Republic of Uganda with technical guidance from the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) as well as Napak District Health Office, local authorities, and other partners in the Health sector (including the service beneficiaries).

The Hospital capacity constitutes 250 beds distributed through Obstetrics/Gynaecology, Internal Medicine, Tuberculosis, Paediatrics and Surgery Departments. Other services provided by the Hospital include: Diagnostic Laboratory, diagnostic imaging, General surgery, Orthopaedic and Physiotherapy, Counselling, HIV/AIDS Clinic, Antenatal Clinic and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission, human resource development to meet the Hospital needs. Annexed to the Hospital are a Health Training Institution, a Human Resource Development Centre and an Airstrip.




The Matany Hospital functions in accordance with the National Hospital Policy of the Republic of Uganda with technical guidance from the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) as well as the Moroto District Health Office, local authorities, and other partners in the health sector including our service beneficiaries.



Moroto Diocese has a Diocesan Health Commission (DHC) that oversees policy implementation and statutory undertakings for the Diocesan Health Institutions. The Hospital is represented in the DHC by the Medical Director and the Principal Tutor.



St. Kizito Hospital Matany Board of Governors is the supreme governing body of the Hospital and Nursing and Midwifery Training School. As such it is custodian of – and shall ensure compliance to the Constitution of the Hospital.

Come and visit

Get in touch


St. Kizito Hospital Matany
Moroto Diocese, Karamoja
c/o Comboni Missionaries,
Box 3872, Kampala, Matany





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