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We trust

The word of mouth

Do you?

At my age, getting a second chance at life is a huge privilege after all I went through.

Achia John, Kotido

I need to be the face of Matany in Katakwi, I don’t think everyone has a thorough appreciation of the goodness of this hospital.

Amuron Justine, Katakwi

I have had the roughest childhood but this hospital is the only light that I can look up to and reflect on God’s love.

Loduk Emmanuel, Moroto

With our ever improving success rates, take a look at

Successfull stories
and client testimonials

What a relief!

I can’t imagine how my dream of being a mother would have turned out if it wasn’t for the great team at Matany Hospital.

Elizabeth, Maternity Ward

Helped me a lot

Not only was I having problems with my vision but my eyes were also itchy, irritated and red. They treated for dry eyes and my eyes feel great!

Katelin Lee

Awesome optometrists

The hours are great, and I didn’t have to wait long, what I also like about your office is that you are up-to-date with state-of the-art equipment.

Anita Sempers

My vision is perfect

They gave me much more than health – they gave me my life back. One that I can still enjoy with my family and my children.

Katharyn Jackson

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Miva Austria

Italian cooperation
Miva Austria

Italian cooperation
Miva Austria

Miva Austria

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