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The Board of Governors on the 24th of November 2022, launched the construction of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at hospital site, next to the maternity ward which is housing the currently overwhelmed neonatal unit. This ground breaking ceremony followed the routine Board of Governors meeting which took place earlier in the day.

Representatives from the technical department, administration, PHC, maternity, and school assembled to witness the memorable event as the bishop’s pickaxe dug the first hole into the ground, followed by the chairperson Board of Governors, the country director CUAMM and the representatives.

Speeches from the guests and the administration followed as the audience smiled in ecstasy. The ceremony was later concluded by a blessing from Rt. Rev. Damiano Giulio Guzzetti M.C.C.J, Bishop Moroto Diocese.


“…they saw already the need…”

We all know, a building is one-time expenditure, but then the continuation, the running, the upkeep of such a unit is another thing. It is good that at the beginning, CUAMM is considering to offer support, e.g., salaries for additional staff, maintenance, etc.

We have already a very small neonatal unit within maternity; functioning very well, only that it is really too small, when up to about seven children have to be cared for in this very small space.

Equipment has been already supplied by CUAMM. They saw the need and they quickly mobilized funds for these little babies. It is not just today that CUAMM comes to our aid. It has been a long way together with other initiatives. Chairman has hinted that they supported our surgical team, our tuberculosis ward, the outreaches, and many activities with the community, even helping us with community dialogues.

There are many activities which CUAMM has been supporting right from the beginning and continues to support. We have been together for years and it is fantastic to see what has been achieved. Greetings to the people of the Irish Embassy, who are availing the funds. We haven’t met them yet but for sure they’ll come one day.

Br. Günther NährichAdministrator Matany Hospital


This is one of the many efforts we are trying to do to improve care for new-borns in Karamoja…”

This is the beginning of a service, or rather the beginning of an action which will lead to improvement of services for newborns in Matany and in the district of Napak; because, one thing that goes unnoticed is really the problem of newborns in this country. We all know malaria, diarrhea, tuberculosis, pneumonia and so on, are killing children, but we never realize how many children die because of those newborn conditions; the diseases that affect children between 0 and 28 days of age. There are so many of those conditions that take away children at that age.

If you analyse the data from Uganda right now, of the children we lose before five years of age, most of them -about 40%- are lost within 0 to 28 days. So, if we can make them survive those 28 days, they are more likely to survive the five years and even beyond, that is why it is increasingly important for us to pay attention to the diseases that affect children while they are that young. They are not necessarily ordinarily diseases; they can be just complications of birth, just due to the fact that they are born too small, or due to the fact that they are born before the right time. Those conditions are taking a lot of our kids.

Matany Hospital is taking the right direction to try and focus attention on that need. This is one of the many efforts we are trying to do to improve care for new-borns in Karamoja. We will do a similar exercise in Kaabong and Moroto Hospitals. Although we may not have the buildings there, we will have the equipment, the staff training and other things that are necessary to improve the service.

We have realized that when you do this, the children come. Be prepared to have very many children coming, why I say this is; we built a similar facility in Aber hospital in Oyam. Oyam is one of the 9 districts of Lango sub-region. Right now, of the children in that age bracket, 60% from the whole region are taken care of in Oyam. So, it is imminent that you are likely to get to the same situation; that 60% of the new-borns from the whole of Karamoja sub-region, with such problems may actually end up being managed here, because they will be referred. Although we may be starting with a building that looks a bit big, like we said for the church, it might become small, but of course we are not going to add another one. We will just hope that we support the other districts to have a similar facility, so that Matany is not overwhelmed.

Thank you very much for accepting this addition of service to the hospital. I know there was already some care for new-borns, but the space and the equipment were really not adequate.

Dr Lochoro PeterCountry Director, CUAMM Uganda


“…we shall make sure that we make use of this facility to the best of our ability…”

I would like in the first place to thank CUAMM for the continuous support they have given to this hospital and other medical units in Karamoja. They have shown that they have interest in saving children to ensure that these children grow up as adults in a healthy manner. This is not the first service that you are giving us here in Matany. It is just an extension of the activities that you have already been doing; And for us, as recipients of this, we shall make sure that we make use of this facility to the best of our ability, not only to please you but also to please God, that is what we shall do on our side.

Mr. Abul PaulChairperson Board of Governors

“…they may grow up to be the future of this country…”

Sending a word of gratitude to CUAMM and the administration of Matany at large as well, I would like to extend a word of blessing for this new building that is now coming up, that the blessing may be extended to the workers, the patients, the newly born. That they may grow up to be the future of this country in the best way possible.

The lord be with you (and with your spirit) may the almighty God bless you the father the son and the holy spirit, AMEN.

Bishop Damiano GuzzettiMoroto Diocese


To palliate, literally means “to cloak.” Palliation can view disapprovingly as merely covering up problems. However, as currently used in American medicine, “palliative care” is a widely accepted term for an approach to the management of a terminal illness that focuses on symptom control and support rather than cure or life prolongation.[3]

Today, healthcare includes a lot of activities ranging from prenatal to antenatal to preventive care and palliative care. Palliative care involves a variety of services delivered in support of the patient and their family, by a mix of professionals who all have equally important roles to play – including physicians, nurses, support workers, paramedics, pharmacists, physiotherapists and volunteers.

A fundamental goal of palliative care is the relief of pain and other symptoms. Successful approaches to the assessment and management of pain and some physical and psychological symptoms have been established in controlled trials [1]

Palliative care improves the quality of life of patients and that of their families who are facing challenges associated with life-

threatening illnesses, whether physical, psychological, social or spiritual. The quality of life of caregivers improves as well. Early delivery of palliative care reduces unnecessary hospital admissions and the use of health services. Each year, an estimated 56.8 million people, including 25.7 million in the last year of life, need palliative care. Unfortunately, only about 14% of people who need palliative care currently receive it. Unnecessarily restrictive regulations for morphine and other essential controlled palliative medicines deny access to adequate palliative care. [2]

The global need for palliative care is expected to grow as a result of the ageing of populations and the rising burden of non-communicable diseases and some communicable diseases. In Karamoja, one of Uganda’s poorest regions[4]. Karamoja sub-region is unquestionably disadvantaged by not just inadequate health technology but also its relative location from the better-equipped National Referral Hospital, Mulogo. Of the socio-economic nature of the people, most patients live below the poverty level. Several cancer patients in need of chemotherapy and radiotherapy are unable to access the services due to the long distance to reach the national referral hospital. Prompting the hospitals to offer the most they can, palliative care.

At St. Kizito Hospital Matany, palliative care is provided by Primary Health Care nurses (PHC) who travel -with the support of the Hospital- to visit the patients and give medical supplies to the homes of residents. morphine is the most prescribed and delivered.

If it was just about the medical conditions, the challenges would have been much simpler to alleviate but, financial constraints limit the patients from even getting food and water. Most of the patients visited are in visible misery arising from their inability to make a living. Considering how they have been making a living from manual labour and the incomes were hand-to-mouth, health conditions like these are just forcing the patients to live shorter than they could have.

The Primary health care team with little funding from the hospital and well-wishers have made efforts to help the patients with the basics of food and water to accompany the strong medications that demand a lot from the body. The Hospital Palliative care nurse team on several occasions have carried along some food items like posho, beans, and milk powder among others as they deliver the morphine refill for the patients during the home visits.

In one particular visit that got documented, the team visited two terminally ill cancer patients who reside in the neighbourhood of the hospital in sheer lack and agony.  As narrated in the video, these two individuals are having the hospital as their only refuge and stronghold.


Case Summaries.

The first case is of 69y/f diagnosed with cervical cancer, about 5 years ago. However, she is homeless after her house collapsed earlier this year; besides the distress from the illness, shelter and food are up there on her list of needs to sustain life. She was better off during the times when she was admitted to the medical ward of Matany Hospital, at least shelter, water and even food were assured.

The second case is of an elderly woman who was diagnosed with cervical cancer in her early 40s, she has been a seamstress before her health conditions couldn’t allow her to continue with the decent living, she has been making for the past 2-3 decades. Now she sits home and hopes that the pain and hunger don’t come at once, at least one at a time -as she meditates on her demise.

When visiting such patients, one can wonder whether the delivered medication is the first on their list of priorities or another burden. It instantly evokes mixed emotions: Seeing them smile in agony when the team arrives, seeing them laugh while the joy lasts, the joy that lasts as long as the team’s company in the dry compound. While for the team members, one cannot get the thought of these visits of his/her mind: The thought of knowing you are their only balance between agony and peaceful passing on. The thought that, of all the supplies delivered, the medications are probably still there but not the food -not anymore.

Thought that you would love to offer more helping hands but as a team member of a hospital like this,

Challenges faced by the palliative care nursing team.

Matany Hospital also has its financial constraints. Unlike in the past, there is currently no running program for supplying food to needy patients whose ability to make a living for themselves got hindered by their health conditions.

The long distances walked by the palliative care team nurses during the home visits. The palliative nurse always walks on foot to go and visit their clients in their homes Some of these visits enable them to keep counselling the patients and also to offer them psycho-social support. Refills of analgesics and delivery of some edible items for them.

Out of utter regard for humanity, the hospital is obliged to deliver medical assistance to each one of the terminally ill patients who have been discharged to reside in their respective homes. There is a limitation on transportation; the homes near and far homes are to be visited routinely. The team members have been moving on foot to homes that are at the extreme ends -extreme ends of the walkable distance spectrum. In the instance that the home is outside this spectrum, it is probably in the range of a bicycle rider. Bicycles are used in most cases when walking the entire distance is not humanely achievable; Unfortunately, not even bicycles are readily available for palliative care nurses.

Inadequate supplies to cater for the demanding needs of palliative care patients. What the Primary Health Care team of Matany Hospital prays for is a vehicle, a vehicle strong enough to reach the deepest ends of the villages, a vehicle just accommodative enough for the team members and the supplies to be taken along. The increased poverty levels among the residents leave the majority without the capacity to access basic needs. The vehicle will further be pivotal to this service since there are patients in hospital beds that have been referred to Mulago National Referral Hospital for Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy but are unable to afford the fares. They too can get some sigh of relief and some light of hope if transportation is available.


  1. Morrison, R. S., & Meier, D. E. (2004). Palliative care. New England Journal of Medicine350(25), 2582-2590.
  2. World Health Organisation, 2020; Palliative care.
  3. Billings, J. A. (1998). What is palliative care? Journal of palliative medicine1(1), 73-81.
  4. Aljazeera, 2022, Hunger killing children in a forgotten corner of Uganda.




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